Five-day program for learning GitHub commands:
Day 1: Introduction to Git and GitHub
- Understanding the basics of version control and its importance
- Exploring the Git workflow and concepts (commits, branches, repositories)
- Setting up a GitHub account and configuring Git on your computer
- Creating a new repository and making your first commit
Day 2: Git Branching and Merging
- Creating and managing branches in Git
- Switching between branches and checking out specific commits
- Merging branches and resolving merge conflicts
- Collaborative workflows using branches (pull requests)
Day 3: Collaboration and Remote Repositories
- Cloning remote repositories to your local machine
- Collaborating with others using forks and upstream repositories
- Pushing changes to remote repositories
- Fetching and pulling changes from remote repositories
Day 4: Advanced Git Commands
- Stashing changes for later use
- Rewriting commit history with rebase
- Using Git tags for versioning
- Exploring Git log and viewing commit history
Day 5: Git Best Practices and Troubleshooting
- Understanding Gitignore and excluding files from version control
- Using Git hooks for automation and custom actions
- Handling common Git issues and troubleshooting techniques
- Git tips and best practices for efficient workflow
Note :Throughout the program, encourage participants to actively practice using Git commands in a real or simulated project. Provide opportunities for hands-on exercises, like creating branches, merging changes, and resolving conflicts. Incorporate code review activities to simulate collaboration and teach best practices. Share resources like Git documentation, cheat sheets, and interactive tutorials to support further learning and exploration beyond the program.